How Weight Loss Hypnosis Works
Everyone knows that diets don't work for long. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you have to change your everyday habits and patterns. You have to change the way you think about food and exercise. And that is where hypnosis comes in. You can Think Yourself Thin with the Wellspring Weight Loss Program.
Most people eat mindlessly. Unhealthy lifestyle habits and patterns often exist at a deep, subconscious level. Willpower alone doesn't go deep enough to make a difference. Nor does conscious thought go deep enough, even for very smart people! It's frustrating because the problem exists at the deep level of impulses and instincts.
You can start losing weight instantly with the MP3 Format for my extraordinarily popular weight loss series.
- Buy Easy Weight Loss Hypnosis MP3 - $19.95
- Buy Shake the Sugar & Carb Habit MP3 - $19.95
- Buy Exercise Motivation MP3 - $19.95
"I know what I should do, but I can't seem to make myself do it!"
If that sounds familiar, then hypnosis is the right tool for you to help yourself do the things you know to do. Sometimes willpower alone just isn't enough. Sometimes you need some outside help.
Buy Weight Loss Hypnosis Program, a 3 CD Set - $75

Get Results Without Feeling Deprived
"Any skepticism I may have had vanished after I took a chance myself and attended the weight loss hypnosis. I have lost 15 lbs in two months and do not feel deprived whatsoever. My eating habits are different, but I really don't notice it or care." - Dr. David Winn, M.D.
- Buy Easy Weight Loss CD - $29.00
- Buy Exercise Motivation CD - $29.00
- Buy Shake the Sugar & Carb Habit CD - $29.00
Benefits of the Hypnosis Audio Program:
- Lose the weight and feel good while you do it
- Feel more attractive
- Think positively about yourself and your body
- Feel more in control of your life and destiny
- Immediately start thinking differently about food
- Make good food choices without feeling deprived
- Take your belt in a notch or two the first month!
- Stop worrying about food choices. Relax and enjoy!
- Get more pleasure from less food!
With my weight loss hypnosis audio programs, you will automatically learn and integrate all of these valuable lessons.
Mind Over Matter
Wellspring Hypnosis programs are designed to help you reprogram those deep subconscious patterns, some of which may have been learned in childhood. As a child you may have heard things like, "Eat everything on your plate, there are people starving in China," or "If you are a good girl, you can have an ice cream cone." These early imprints often stick with us into adulthood and cause problems in our relationships to food. You have to get to that same deep level to do some lasting repatterning. The best way to get to this deep subconscious level is with hypnosis! That is exactly what it is designed to do.
Think Yourself Thin
The Feel Great & Lose Weight Hypnosis Program is designed to help you recalibrate your attitude about food and exercise. This recalibration means you can make the everyday choices that allow you to lose the weight easily...without feeling deprived or denied. With hypnosis, eating healthy seems like the most normal and natural thing in the world to do.
Only Eat When You Are Hungry
"That's what I'm doing, reducing the size of my portions and only eating when I'm hungry. It's made a huge difference in my size, too!" - Pat Kramer lost 60 lbs.
Automatically Make Good Choices
"Immediately after my session I started thinking differently about food choices. I even shop differently, buying only fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean meats. All this happened automatically, without effort on my part." - B.J. Garrett, RN
Features of the Program
- Learn to get more pleasure from less food
- Adopt methods for portion control
- Effective mental tools to deal with cravings
- How to uncover emotional reasons for unhealthy habits
- View food as energy instead of emotional comfort
- Learn to look forward to exercise
- Tools to deal effectively with stress
- Think positively about yourself
- How to create new, healthy sources of pleasure
How Does It Work?
A state of relaxed reverie and absorption is called a trance state and you are more likely to accept the suggestions that you hear in this state if those suggestions are in alignment with your goals. The special nature of these trance state learnings goes much deeper and will stick with you better and longer than reading books or hearing lectures.
One of the laws of psychology is that which you repeat, becomes stronger. You will be asked to listen to one hypnosis CD every day for a period of three weeks so that these new habits and patterns can become deeply integrated and feel normal and natural for you. The effects are cumulative so the more you practice the self-hypnosis techniques, the more they will become real and true for you.
Hypnosis is not a replacement for effort and exercise. The rubber has to meet the road and your tennis shoe has to hit the pavement. You must commit to some effort to release fat from your body. Hypnotism is not a magic wand. The good news is that hypnosis can make exercise and eating right more enjoyable while increasing your confidence and self-esteem!
Choose your Program

Start TODAY with MP3 Audio Downloads
NOW you can buy these quality CDs in digital MP3 format and receive them within 24 hours to get started right away! Don't delay. After you check out, you will receive a download link within 24 hours. Once you download the MP3, you can listen on your computer, burn your own audio CD, or listen on your Iphone or Ipad! It's fast and easy. COMING SOON!
- Buy Easy Weight Loss Hypnosis MP3 - $19.95
- Buy Shake the Sugar & Carb Habit MP3 - $19.95
- Buy Exercise Motivation MP3 - $19.95
Note: These downloads require a fast internet connection (cable modem, DSL). Not recommended for dial up connections unless you are very patient.

Feel Great and Lose Weight Hypnosis Program - 3 CD Set. This is our premiere weight loss hypnosis product. This complete package is recommended for the best effect. Weight loss is a complex issue and it's best to address all aspects of it. Package includes Easy Weight Loss, Exercise Motivation and Shake the Sugar & Carb Habit Hypnosis CDs. Or you can purchase just the CD you need.
- Save $$$ and Buy the whole 3 CD Weight Loss Set - $75.00
- Buy Easy Weight Loss CD - $29.00
- Buy Exercise Motivation CD - $29.00
- Buy Shake the Sugar & Carb Habit CD - $29.00
- A subscription to the Wellspring Weight Loss Newsletter
- Weight loss success information packet

PERSONALIZED HYPNOSIS in Austin, Texas - Private weight loss sessions are available in bundles of three, approximately one week apart for three weeks. The cost is $289. This program includes an information packet, hypnosis, coaching and the Easy Weight Loss Hypnosis CD. These sessions are tailored to your specific situation and include an individual assessment.
Some people make excellent progress with only three sessions! Others choose to continue these personalized hypnosis sessions for moral support, deepening and re-enforcement. Additional sessions beyond the first three sessions can be spaced out: bi-weekly or monthly.
Call for Group Rates. Get a discount by bringing a friend!
Group Hypnosis: I work with corporations, couples, families and small groups. Corporate Hypnosis for Employee Health programs is a popular program.

GROUP HYPNOSIS - Weight loss is a popular topic for groups. Organizing a group of friends or co-workers is an economical way to share this valuable service (get a discount by bringing a friend!). I frequently work with couples and families. My Austin hypnosis studio accommodates up to 10 people. I regularly teach Weight Loss Hypnosis classes in Austin at the University of Texas.

DISTANCE HYPNOSIS BY PHONE - I have a limited number of distance phone sessions I do each week. $150 per session (50 minute hour). These sessions are tailored to your specific situation and include an extensive interview. Learn more here.
Kick-start your Weight Loss
"In particular, I struggled with eating too much sugar. I went to Wellspring for three sessions, which kickstarted my weight loss of 25 lbs. that I have kept off for two years. I found it easy to skip the candy and donuts at work -- I didn't have to resist them, I simply just didn't want them." - Mary S.
Clinical Studies Prove Hypnosis Works for Weight Loss
Researchers from the University of Connecticut reviewed six weight-loss studies using therapy with and without hypnosis. An impressive 70% of the overweight people who got hypnosis lost more weight and kept it off longer than those who got other therapy.
In a study of 60 women separated into hypnosis versus non-hypnosis groups, the groups using hypnosis lost an average of 17 pounds, while the non-hypnosis group lost an average of only .5 pounds (Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1986).
"Clinical research indicates that the majority of people who use hypnosis for weight management not only achieve their personal weight goals, but also maintain those goals." -(Journal of Clinical Psychology, 41 (1), 35-41)
I feel like I'm in control of my life...
"I have had a sugar craving most of my 64 years. It was a terrible struggle for me until this last month. I have lost 9 lbs and feel great. I feel like I'm in control of my life. " - Kathy Lippincott
I no longer crave soda or sugar.
"After trying the other hypnosis place [a large hypnosis franchise] with no results whatsoever, I found Aisha. Working with her brought me closer to my goals and has kept me going forward. I no longer crave soda or sugar and can walk into a 7-11 without picking up either. My water intake has reached my goal and I am continually moving forward while listening to the CD." - Edith Fellows
I have been doing great exercising.
"First of all thank you so much for the hypnosis sessions. They were ALOT of fun and very informative. I have been doing great exercising. I feel great and I feel as if I am in the best shape I have ever been in. I have also been more mindful of my eating habits. I LOVE Central Market French fries but I have been substituting the fruit cup for the fries with my veggie burger. Weird!" - Tiffany Heppner, M.S.
YES! I am ready to Feel Great and Lose the Weight!
Buy the Weight Loss 3 CD SET >>
Weight Loss Support Products

The 15 Minute Stress Buster
Are you a stress eater? If so, you will benefit from my 15 Minute Stress Buster Hypnosis CD. 15 Minute STRESS BUSTER Hypnosis CD - BUY NOW
Wellspring Rhodiola Rosea Extract for Weight Loss

The Rhodiola Rosea herbal extract works to relieve stress, enhance physical endurance for exercise and burn away fat by activating the enzyme adipose lipase.
Rhodiola Rosea Herbal Extract - BUY NOW
Full 20 gram bottle - contains 200 servings. Standardized to 3% rosavins.
Rhodiola rosea seems to have the ability to mobilize adipose tissue and activate adipose lipase, a key enzyme required to burn the body's fat stores. This process helps to stimulate the natural fat burning system in your body that is needed for weight reduction, especially when combined with exercise. Get more bang for your buck with exercise!
Read more about Rhodiola rosea.
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- Tips, tricks and tools to stay on track
- Motivational strategies that have worked for others
- Solutions to common weight loss problems

Your Satisfaction is Our Highest Priority.
Order securely with our 100% satisfaction money-back guarantee. If your life is not positively changed by this product in 90 days, you can have your money back!
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Our products and services are not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease. Do not construe anything you read on this website as medical advise. Hypnosis is never a substitute for medical care.
The services I offer are not meant to be substitutes for medical or psychological counseling services. Furthermore, some issues may require a referral from your medical doctor or therapist.
The results of these clients are their own results. Because everyone is unique, your individual results may vary from those of other clients.
Weight Loss Success
- It's been very easy. - Ronnie, Small Portions
- I haven't eaten sweets. - Liz, Cravings
- Five minutes got to 10, 15, 20 and 30. - Marsha, Exercise
- I'm off the chocolate. - Tracy, Self-Control
- I've lost weight - 25 lbs. - Lynn, Clothes fit
- I had one bite. I didn't miss it. - Joann, Perspective
- I'm so motivated and I want to do it. - Connie, Good choices
- I didn't drink a Coke. - Lisa, Sodas
- I'm lighter. It's easier to move. -Regina, Exercise
- I am just eating better. - Joann, Choices
- I'm doing quite well on sweets. - Marsha, Cravings
- I did fantastic. I'm very pleased. - Connie, vacation