Hypnosis for Health and Well-Being
Every year science is learning more about how the mind can influence the body for improved health and well-being. Famous physicians like Dr. Andrew Weil and Dr. Deepak Chopra are strong proponents of hypnosis to activate the body's own internal healing powers.
Hypnosis can help with these issues
- Pain management
- High blood pressure
- Insomnia
- Nervous stomach or nausea
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
- Warts, eczema and psoriasis
- Chemotherapy side effects
- Headaches
- Sexual issues
- Natural childbirth and fertility
- Symptoms of menopause and PMS
- Emotions like fear, sadness, anger, jealousy or grief
- Quicker recovery from surgery
- Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia and Allergies
Two (2) Hypnosis Sessions in Office - $200

Three (3) Hypnosis Sessions in Office - $289

Hypnosis is never a substitute for medical care. Some issues may require a referral from your doctor or therapist.

Physician Seal of Approval
Fact: Hypnosis was accepted by the American Medical Association (AMA) in 1959 as a valuable & non-invasive therapy!
AMA acceptance means hypnosis is NOT an alternative or new age therapy. It is part of our respected Western Medicine tradition, and it has been scientifically proven to be effective. It often works where other techniques fail. However, hypnosis is never a substitute for professional medical care.
"You are a true master of the art."
- Dr. David Winn, M.D.
I don't know how many times I have heard statements like this one: "This was my last resort I can't believe it worked!" But I hear it a lot. Sometimes even I am surprised how it works.
Hypnosis can complement your doctor's medical regimen.
As a certified professional, my experience shows me that hypnosis can have dramatic and immediate effects on long-term, seemingly intractable problems that were not alleviated by any other means. Sometimes a client had resigned themselves to always being symptomatic and came to me as a last resort.or in some cases came to be for an unrelated problem and got an unexpected extra relief: two for one! Imagine if you came in to stop smoking and your chronic neck pain went away as an added benefit. This doesn't surprise me at all anymore because I see it all the time. Hypnosis in the hands of a skilled practitioner can do seemingly miraculous things.
Warts Disappear
"I just wanted to send you a note of thanks. All the warts on my hands and feet have disappeared! It's been almost a month now that I've been able to go to the pool and not hide my feet. I really can't express just how wonderful this has been for me. Thank you for all of your work." - Larry, Professional Architect
Hypnosis for health is like "horse whispering" for the body. Horse whispering is a way that skilled trainers calm a wild, unruly horse. Of course, horses don't understand English so whispering to them shouldn't really work. But it does! Similarly, my hypnosis programs "whisper" to the body in it's own language through the subconscious mind. This allows good healing suggestions to go straight to where they are most needed and activate deep healing work.
"There are, somewhere within us, those healing forces that have been present through the ages- hypnosis mobilizes the forces that heal and repair."
- Milton H. Erickson, M.D.
Improve Hypertension and Sleep Better Too!
"I have been amazed at the difference a few sessions of hypnosis has made in my health. My blood pressure dropped from the consistent 150/100 range to slightly below 120/80 range, and has stayed at that new healthy baseline for months. The stress-reduction suggestions Aisha made, along with suggestions for other aspects of my health, have helped to keep my blood pressure in a healthy range, and my doctor is impressed with those results.
Recurring insomnia has become a thing of the past. I now am able to get a solid 6-7 hours of sleep at night. My dreams are much more calm. My time asleep is now truly, finally restful.
The improvement in blood pressure status, sleeping patterns & restfulness, and overall health have made me a firm believer in the healing effects of hypnosis. Thanks, Aisha. - Nicole Williams, Accountant
Help with Side Effects of Chemotherapy
"I began chemotherapy on Aug. 28, 2002. The first time I received all three of my chemo doses, I was sick for four days. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat (I couldn't even look at food on TV) and I was nauseous the entire time. I didn't think that I could do it for 5 more months. A friend began looking into ways to help me cope with the chemo. He wanted me to try hypnosis. I was skeptical because I didn't think I could be hypnotized, but I agreed to give it a try. When I met Aisha, she put me completely at ease. We talked for a while and she found out what I wanted to accomplish. Since that first session I have never had a problem with sleeping, eating or nausea during my chemo. I wholeheartedly endorse Aisha to help anyone with his or her chemo problems." Crockett Foster, Austin Fire Department
Reduce Sudden Stress
"I am still amazed you were able to help me relax, I was so extremely upset, I had almost doubted it possible. When I came to and felt that energy, it was as thought it had washed me clean and hung me out to dry freely in the sunshine of relaxation. I have always believed in the idea of dis-ease and using holistic approaches for resolving cancer and AIDS, etc. But yesterday I think was truly the first time I have attempted such work on myself." - Melissa H., Psychotherapy Grad Student
Improve Orgasms
"Hypnosis works great! My wife and I now enjoy a great sex life. I had an issue in this area that troubled me. It was difficult for me to achieve physical orgasm. I used hypnosis to do some change work on this issue. Now I can choose between a faster release or a long time loving and release. Thank you!" - Mr. R. L., Business Owner
Call Aisha today for an life changing session.
Stress is often a factor in issues like fibromyalgia, IBS, and other autoimmune type disorders. The 15 Minute Stress Buster is a great way to relax and calm yourself down. Try it out to see if hypnosis is right for you.
15 Minute Stress Buster MP3 - $19.95
15 Minute Stress Buster Hypnosis CD - $29.00
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Our products and services are not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease. Do not construe anything you read on this website as medical advise. Hypnosis is never a substitute for medical care.
The services I offer are not meant to be substitutes for medical or psychological counseling services. Furthermore, some issues may require a referral from your medical doctor or therapist.
The results of these clients are their own results. Because everyone is unique, your individual results may vary from those of other clients.
Healing Success
- My blood pressure is down. -Marsha, Hypertension
- My gut has calmed down. -Mary, IBS
- My stomach quit hurting. -Brenda, Anxious Stomach
- I don't have the pain that I did. -Marsha, Pain
- I haven't had any headaches! -Mary, Quit Smoking
- It has been less of an issue. -Kevin, Sex Drive