Custom Hypnosis Services
Distance Hypnosis by Phone - only $250 to Change for Good!

Help is just a phone call away! It's one of the fastest ways to change your life when an office visit is not possible. This service is perfect for those living at a distance from the Austin, Texas area. You can experience hypnosis in the comfort of your home at a convenient time. I have had great results working with hundreds of people over the phone. The closed eye, relaxed listening state of hypnosis easily lends itself to communication via telephone. A telephone headset, cordless phone or quality speakerphone is recommended but not required.
Expect the Best. A hypnosis session by telephone is approximately 50 - 55 minutes long and includes an intake interview/coaching session. You will be in a hypnotic trance for 25 - 35 minutes. Your investment for this positive, lasting life change is only $250. Follow up hypnosis sessions by phone for custom strengthening and reinforcement are $125 (~40 minutes). At the conclusion of a session, you may wish to order an audio recording for continued subconscious strengthening. Reinforcement audios are necessary for good and lasting results.
What to Do Next: Call or send me a short email describing your goals. If we can work together, you can buy the First Hypnosis by Phone session below. I will contact you about a mutually agreeable time for our telephone session. If long distance charges apply, they are paid by the client. Telephone hypnosis sessions are currently available in the U.S. and Canada only. Note: These are professional hypnosis sessions and are strictly non-erotic.
Pre-Approval is required by phone or email to make sure I am able to help you. Please check with me first.
Gift Certificates
Do you know someone who could really use some quality help? Get them a Hypnosis Gift Certificate!
Do you live in central Texas? Come in to see me for a scheduled Office Appointment!

National Guild of Hypnotists Faculty Member
Board Certified Clinical Hypnotist
American Board of Hypnotherapy
University of Texas Informal Classes Instructor
NLP Practitioner
Hypnobirthing® Educator