Hypnosis Classes & Seminars
Motivational Speaking
Certified hypnotherapist, Aisha Kessler is a fun and engaging motivational speaker with a passion for helping others. She enjoys creating unique hypnosis programs for all kinds of audiences, and has worked with families, health fairs, schools, hospitals, corporations and fraternities. Let her design a successful hypnosis class for your group.
Hypnosis Classes and Seminars:
Wellness seminars
- Weight loss
- Smoking Cessation
- Stress Management
- Shake the Sugar Habit
- Mind-Body Healing
Self-improvement seminars
- Get Motivated!
- Public Speaking
- Psyche Yourself to Success
- The Secret Law of Attraction
- The Power of Positive Thinking
- Creating Abundance
- Custom tailored seminars
You can learn more about Corporate Seminars here.
"I'm just dropping you an email to let you know that I took your Smoking Cessation class in September at UT Informal Class and
I continue to be smoke free! I have so much more energy and am getting back into shape-finally. Thanks so much for your course. "
- Kim Hotman-Harris
I'm very pleased with the results from the hypnosis class I attended. The first time I actually saw myself take some food OFF my plate to
reduce the portion size, I thought, "Who is this?" But that's what I'm doing, reducing the size of my portions and only eating when I'm
hungry. It's made a huge difference in my size, too!
- Pat Kramer, lost 50 lbs.